Nun ist auch das letzte Türchen geöffnet. Die bisher bestätigten Bands seht ihr hier:
Aborted, After The Burial, Ahab, Airbourne, Anaal Nathrakh, Avatar, Beast In Black, Brainstorm, Bullet For My Valentine, Burning Witches, Bury Tomorrow, Caspian, Clawfinger, Code Orange, The Contortionist, Cradle Of Filth, Crippled Black Phoenix, Cypecore, Decapitated, Deicide, Deserted Fear, Dimmu Borgir, The Dogs, Dornenreich, Downfall Of Gaia, Dust Bolt, Eluveitie, Emperor, Equilibrium, Evergreen Terrace, Gaahls Wyrd, Get The Shot, Grand Magus, Gutalax, Hämatom, Hammerfall, Harpyie, Higher Power, Izegrim, Kambrium, King Diamond, Knasterbart, Krisiun, The Lazys, Legion Of The Damned, Lik, Lionheart, Lord Of The Lost, Meshuggah, Mr. Irish Bastard, Napalm Death, Nasty, The Ocean, Oceans Of Slumber, Of Mice & Men, Queensrÿche, Rectal Smegma, Rise Of The Northstar, Rotting Christ, Skalmöld, Subway To Sally, Testament, Thy Art Is Murder, Turbobier, Twilight Force, Unearth, Une Misère, Unleashed, Unprocessed, Van Canto, Versengold, Zeal & Ardor
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