Otyg / Vintersorg: Neue Alben

Man mag es kaum glauben: 13 Jahre nach dem letzten OTYG-Album “Sagovindars Boning” und Auflösung der Band gibts jetzt tatsächlich was neues zu berichten: Kopf der Band, Andreas ‘Vintersorg’ Hedlund und Mattias Marklund werkeln an einem neuen Album:

“Yeah, actually we decided to raise that old troll again. It’s been like 12 or 13 years since we put that band to sleep. We always thought the band wouldn’t be vanished from the face of the earth, we always had this kind of open door to it. For the last 10 years I’ve felt like I didn’t have the inspiration to write that kind of music, because I wrote all the music for that band as well. Lately me and Mattias, he’s also in that band, we started to discuss it and he was really keen on doing a third album.

We actually wrote a third album and did some pre-production on it but we never made it anything more than that. So for him he felt it would be nice to complete the saga. We’re actually recording the third album now, and I don’t know if we’ll be doing anymore, but it feels nice to get this one out. It’s a little bit in a new direction, but still very much sounds like Otyg. It’s interesting for us because we haven’t been touching that ground for so many years.”

Na, da dürfen wir doch mal gespannt sein. Ebenfalls gespannt können wir mit Sicherheit auf Vintersorg’s neues Album “Orkan” sein. Darauf müssen wir dann auch nicht mehr lange warten. In Europa erscheint es am 29.6.2012, die Amis müssen sich noch bis zum 10.7.2012 gedulden.

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