Cattle Decapitation launchen Video zu “Finish Them”!


Ende vorletzten Jahres haben Cattle Decapitation unter großen Applaus ihr aktuelles Album Death Atlas veröffentlicht und jetzt wird in Form einer neuen Videoauskopplung nachgelegt. Gefilmt von Nicholas Vidler, enthält das Video Livefootage der ausverkauften Shows in Melbourne, Australien von vor einem Jahr. Schaut euch “Finish Them” jetzt hier an:

Hier der O-Ton von Sänger Travis Ryan:

When traveling to Australia to embark on our Australia/New Zealand/Japan tour in early 2020, we wondered what would await us on their soil as bushfires were raging, claiming the lives of millions of wild animals, altering the lives of many of our fans and citizens of Australia. What we didn’t expect was record turnouts with serious rabid fans that I think just wanted to take their minds off the current state of affairs and do their best to have a good time given the utterly shit circumstances they were experiencing. We quickly organized meet and greets at the last minute and were able to raise well over $25,000AUD for the Cobargo Wildlife Sanctuary, who had pretty much lost everything in the fires. Thanks to the incredible support from our fans down under and through other folks ready to help, they were able to rebuild. We really felt like we had been given a gift by the fans, so we wanted to give back to these people who came out and raged with us by releasing our final music video for ‘Death Atlas,’ which showcases how sick the shows were and how truly amazing our fans are. Look close, maybe you’ll find yourself in the crowd! Looking forward to returning to the stage one day, hopefully soon!

Wieder einmal von Dave Otero produziert, wurde Death Atlas als eines der besten Alben 2019 ausgezeichnet, u.a. von Decibel Magazine, Metal Sucks, Metal Injection und vielen anderen. Cattle Decapitation haben sich nie davor gescheut, sich der Schrecklichkeit zu stellen, die von der menschlichen Rasse aus über die Welt hereingebrochen ist, und Death Atlas ist ihr bisher düsterstes Angebot mit Elementen aus Death Metal, Grindcore, Black Metal, Sludge, Doom, Drone – mit Travis Ryans Gesang breiter und vollständiger verwirklicht als je zuvor.

Streamt und bestellt Death Atlas hier:

Cattle Decapitation line-up:
Travis Ryan – vocals
Josh Elmore – guitars
Dave McGraw – drums
Belisario Dimuzio – guitars
Olivier Pinard – bass

Cattle Decapitation online:

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